Step Four – Create Questions
- Take your outline (see Steps One to Three in Getting a Clear Start to create one if you haven’t already!) and turn your bullets into questions
- One topic per question (watch out for the
words “and” & “or”)
Step Five – Create Response Categories
- Decide on the type of response you’re interested in for each question e.g., single choice, multiple response, open-ended comments
- Create wording for choices e.g., always/often/ occasionally/never
- Group together questions with similar response choices into question sets or grids
- Use the same scale length throughout the questionnaire: choose 4-point scales or 5-point scales – not both (exceptions only if you’re going to compare a question’s responses to other research e.g., benchmarks)
- Give positive responses the higher values (then you won’t have to reverse the values during the analysis)
- Provide appropriate “don’t know” and “not applicable” categories (almost always give respondents an “out” so they don’t get frustrated)
Step Six – Create Add-ons
- Add an instruction for each question in the survey e.g., “choose one” or “choose all that apply”
- Add skips if they are needed – use IF and THEN wording to focus on who continues and who doesn’t (and so where they should go)
- Add Introduction and Thank You texts
- Add different formats to different questionnaire components e.g., bold questions, italicize instructions, use ALL CAPS for response categories
- Take your outline (see Steps One to Three in Getting a Clear Start to create one if you haven’t already!) and turn your bullets into questions
- One topic per question (watch out for the
words “and” & “or”)
Step Five – Create Response Categories
- Decide on the type of response you’re interested in for each question e.g., single choice, multiple response, open-ended comments
- Create wording for choices e.g., always/often/ occasionally/never
- Group together questions with similar response choices into question sets or grids
- Use the same scale length throughout the questionnaire: choose 4-point scales or 5-point scales – not both (exceptions only if you’re going to compare a question’s responses to other research e.g., benchmarks)
- Give positive responses the higher values (then you won’t have to reverse the values during the analysis)
- Provide appropriate “don’t know” and “not applicable” categories (almost always give respondents an “out” so they don’t get frustrated)
Step Six – Create Add-ons
- Add an instruction for each question in the survey e.g., “choose one” or “choose all that apply”
- Add skips if they are needed – use IF and THEN wording to focus on who continues and who doesn’t (and so where they should go)
- Add Introduction and Thank You texts
- Add different formats to different questionnaire components e.g., bold questions, italicize instructions, use ALL CAPS for response categories