Challenge 1: Tracking across promotions, events or activities
Solution 1: Define # of individuals and # of times (participating). Then set up in advance for rolling up or breaking down. Alternative - define proxy ranges for across activity estimates (e.g., from a survey of a sub-group of individuals asked about times they participated or analysis of sub-sets of participation data).
Challenge 2: Lots of noise in the analytics – how to find the people?
Solution 2: Focus on website or social media engagement analytics (clicks/shares/downloads - by individual) rather than overall analytics (visits/views). Alternative - do a log file analysis to dig deeper into a measure to see who and how people are engaging.
Challenge 3: Harder for some segments (e.g., disadvantaged/
underserved groups and professionals)
Solution 3: Use segmented approaches (one size may not fit all). Disadvantaged/underserved groups may need more intensive efforts and resourcing. Professionals may need both more targeted and more diverse approaches.
Challenge 4: Differs when it’s organizations or stakeholders (rather than individuals)
Solution 4: Assess “engagement” as participation. Reach out to stakeholders and organizations to engage them with programs.
Challenge 5: Survey overburden and saturation
Solution 5: Survey the same individuals once a year maximum (only!) Use activity-based surveying tied directly to the questions e.g., in-person (after training) and real-time (interactive) at events.
Challenge 6: External Approval process requirements
Solution 6: Understand the approvals process and criteria before initiating a request. Create an overarching agreement which covers multiple/consistent requests. Be able to show truly informed consent.